Saturday, August 28, 2010

Student Blogs

Jennifer McGonigal
Sandra Medina
Kelli Pankau
Sharon Price
Jody Scott
Roxanne Sederberg
Debbie White
Katherine Wimer
Shelli Wimer

1 comment:

  1. I feel it is important to a students education to expose them to technology. Some students are challenged when a teacher uses only oral presentation. A oral presentation can be enhanced with technologies, such as a digtal projector or an interactive whiteboard. By a teacher using different methods all learning styles can be reached. A teacher can use technologies to expose children with different culture and goble awareness without leaving the class room. The use of the internet can take children on a virtual journey of a musem or a classroom at the other side of the world. There are endless possiblies with the use of technology in a classroom. Sharon Price
